National Park Slam 2015

On this trip, we took the rig out to go fly fishing in Wyoming. Both coming and going we took the opportunity to visit a number of national parks and monuments.

By Glen Bruels

Bringing it home!

This is part of a series called National Park Slam 2015 Well, like everything else, road trips have to come to an end. Yesterday, we drove across Washington taking the northerly route through the mountains. It was a truly beautiful drive. As we got closer to home, we drove through one of our favorite national…

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By Glen Bruels

South Dakota Slam!

This is part of a series called National Park Slam 2015 After zooming through Wyoming, our “caravan” drove up to South Dakota, where most of the national parks/monuments are conveniently located on the west side of the state. The past few days have been pretty intense, zooming around the countryside, plowing through a wide variety of…

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