Upper Midwest Tour 2021

A nearly month-long road trip to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan — the only states I haven’t visited in the Lower 48. We didn’t bring the rig on this trip because of the large number of passenger-only ferries we are taking.

By Glen Bruels

Mackinac Island

This is part of a series called Upper Midwest Tour 2021 For years I’ve heard people rave about Mackinac Island — the history, the hotels, the restaurants — and no cars!  Part of the reason for this trip was to visit there, which we did for 4 days.  Getting to Mackinac is by passenger-only ferry. …

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By Glen Bruels

Duluth Round 2

This is part of a series called Upper Midwest Tour 2021 Hi Duluth, we’re back!  Since the wait and COVID requirements convinced us that going to our planned stop in Thunder Bay, Ontario after Voyageurs National Park was not a good idea, we decided to come back and spend a few more days exploring Duluth. …

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