Author: Glen Bruels

I am a traveler and sometimes clay sculptor, following a long career working in consulting. My work allowed me to travel the world extensively and I was hooked. Today, I travel with my wife/best friend to explore new places, meet new people, and learn new things.
By Glen Bruels

South Dakota Slam!

This is part of a series called National Park Slam 2015 After zooming through Wyoming, our “caravan” drove up to South Dakota, where most of the national parks/monuments are conveniently located on the west side of the state. The past few days have been pretty intense, zooming around the countryside, plowing through a wide variety of…

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By Glen Bruels

Cologne, Germany

This is part of a series called Viking Grand European Tour After Koblenz, we sailed up to Cologne, Germany – and, yes, before you ask the question Eau de Cologne really was invented there and still is a solid industry! Cologne is a huge city, the 4th largest in Germany. It is also an old…

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By Glen Bruels

Wertheim, Germany

This is part of a series called Viking Grand European Tour This morning we made a brief stop in Wertheim, Germany. It is built on mud flats at the confluence of the Tauber and Main Rivers. That has been both a blessing and a curse – the former because of a great trading/transport location and…

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By Glen Bruels

Bamberg, Germany

This is part of a series called Viking Grand European Tour We have been cruising up the Danube some days now, but water levels became too low, so we had to leave our boat in Regensburg and bus up to catch another boat in Bamberg. This marks our entrance to the Main River. Bamberg itself…

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