Author: Glen Bruels

I am a traveler and sometimes clay sculptor, following a long career working in consulting. My work allowed me to travel the world extensively and I was hooked. Today, I travel with my wife/best friend to explore new places, meet new people, and learn new things.
By Glen Bruels

Cappadocia, Turkey!

This part of the trip marked the shift from Croatia to Turkey to visit the region of Cappadocia. Although the physical distance isn’t that great, getting there was somewhat of a challenge, requiring flight changes (and long waits) in Zagreb and Istanbul and then an hour van ride from Kayseri, Turkey. Cappadocia is almost dead…

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By Glen Bruels

Cavtet, Croatia

I thought I would add a small postscript to the end of our time on the Aurum.  We left the ship in the late morning under cloudy (what would become very rainy) skies.  We were only going to spend the day there, so we didn’t stop back in Dubrovnik, having been there before.  Instead, we…

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By Glen Bruels

Sipan, Croatia

This is part of a series called Cruising the Dalmatian Islands Today marked the last day of our cruise aboard the Aurum.  Since there wasn’t a lot of distance from Mljet to Dubrovnik, we stopped at the small island of Sipan.  The real reason we wanted to stop there was to hit the ATM so…

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By Glen Bruels

Mljet, Croatia

This is part of a series called Cruising the Dalmatian Islands After the incessant eating, drinking, touring, and shopping that has characterized the trip up to this point, today we anchored at the national park island of Mljet.  It is a beautiful, unspoiled island with a lake that dominates the southern portion, ending in a canal…

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By Glen Bruels

Korcula, Croatia

This is part of a series called Cruising the Dalmatian Islands Today we stopped in one of the true jewels of the Adriatic – Korcula.  It lies just off the Dalmation coast and is the most populated island in the Adriatic that isn’t connected to the mainland by bridge.  It is very narrow here, and…

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By Glen Bruels

Vis, Croatia

This is part of a series called Cruising the Dalmatian Islands Today we arrived in Vis, another small island that has only been recently modernized because for several years before Croatia’s independence in 1991, Vis housed a secret Yugoslav base and travel was severely restricted there. Having said that, as in many other islands in…

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By Glen Bruels

Hvar Town, Croatia

This is part of a series called Cruising the Dalmatian Islands Today, we made our way over to the other side of the island of Hvar, to the town of the same name.  This “city” (less than 4000 people) has always been a cross roads in the Adriatic – whether for trade or military campaigns. …

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By Glen Bruels

Life Aboard the Aurum

This is part of a series called Cruising the Dalmatian Islands For the past week, we have been cruising the Adriatic Sea aboard a 95 foot gulet (sailing yacht) named Aurum along with five other couples.  The boat is owned by a Croatian family (the Gacina’s), where the son (Jere) serves as the captain and…

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