
By Glen Bruels

Cairo and Giza, Egypt

This is part of a series called Seabourn Half-World cruise In contrast to the trip to Luxor, our time in Cairo was pretty depressing.  First, you have to realize that Cairo is the largest city in Africa and the Middle East at 20 million people.  From the overview, you learned that poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, and…

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By Glen Bruels

Petra, Jordan

This is part of a series called Seabourn Half-World cruise One of our favorite stops in the Middle East was Petra, the capital city of the ancient Nabataeans, an industrious Arabian people who settled in southern Jordan over 2000 years ago.  Petra sat on the north-south trade route, with caravans bringing goods from the Red…

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By Glen Bruels

Oman (The Sultanate of)

This is part of a series called Seabourn Half-World cruise Okay, let’s start with a test.  How many people actually know where Oman is?  Be truthful!  Well, I didn’t really know either.  Frankly, I’ve always paid more attention to Asia than the Middle East.  But if you look on a map, you will see how…

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By Glen Bruels

Phuket, Thailand — or sort of…

This is part of a series called Seabourn Half-World cruise Heading north from Langkawi, you quickly cross into Thailand again.  Our stop for the day was Phuket, Thailand’s largest island, located in Andaman Sea.  Phuket traditionally made its money through tin and rubber, but in recent years, it has been all about tourism – enjoying…

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By Glen Bruels

Langkawi Island, Malaysia

This is part of a series called Seabourn Half-World cruise Langkawi (the official name is Langkawi, the jewel of Kedah) is an archipelago of about 100 islands located 20 miles off the coast of Malaysia and quite close to the border with Thailand.  Like the mainland, the population is primarily Malay and they practice Islam. …

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By Glen Bruels


This is part of a series called Seabourn Half-World cruise Ah Singapore!  This was my third time visiting (Deb’s second), and we agree it is one of our favorite cities.   It is a true jewel in Southeast Asia and a crossroads for trade across the Pacific.  It is highly diverse both ethnically (Chinese, Malay, Indian,…

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