
By Glen Bruels

Texas Bar and…

This is part of a series called Nordic Sojourn 2022 We continued our northward sail during the night to the area of Woodfjorden and Liefdefjorden to visit a trapping cabin known as Texas Bar.  In the morning, however, we were pretty heavily socked in with fog, causing a delay in going ashore.  Texas Bar was…

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By Glen Bruels

Cologne, Germany

This is part of a series called Viking Grand European Tour After Koblenz, we sailed up to Cologne, Germany – and, yes, before you ask the question Eau de Cologne really was invented there and still is a solid industry! Cologne is a huge city, the 4th largest in Germany. It is also an old…

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By Glen Bruels

Wertheim, Germany

This is part of a series called Viking Grand European Tour This morning we made a brief stop in Wertheim, Germany. It is built on mud flats at the confluence of the Tauber and Main Rivers. That has been both a blessing and a curse – the former because of a great trading/transport location and…

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