
By Glen Bruels

Tahiti Part 1

This is part of a series called French Polynesia So begins our next big adventure — French Polynesia.  We are starting, and will finish, our trip here in Tahiti.  Since we only have one full day on either side of the rest of our trip, we wanted to make the most our time.  Our strategy…

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By Glen Bruels

Easter Island

This is part of a series called Chile 2019 After the wind, cold, and beauty of Patagonia, we headed back to the steaminess of Santiago for a few days, both to do a bit more touring and to watch the Super Bowl.  It got up to about 95 degrees in the afternoon so even with…

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By Glen Bruels

Coyhaique, Patagonia

This is part of a series called Chile 2019 After a very “hot” time in Santiago, we were ready for some cooler weather.  And we definitely got it when we arrived in Cohaique, the capital city of the province of the same name, in the Aysén Region of Patagonia.  This area is surrounded by snow-covered…

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By Glen Bruels

Santiago, Chile and environs

This is part of a series called Chile 2019 After a nearly nine hour flight from Mexico City (blessedly uneventful), we arrived in Santiago.  The airport is about ten miles out of the city and luckily we arrived at 6:00 am and got into the city before rush hour began.  Our home for our five…

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