
By Glen Bruels

Poolepynten and fin whales!

This is part of a series called Nordic Sojourn 2022 Today, we visited Poolepynten, a headland at the eastern coast of the Prins Karls Forland in Spitsbergen, Svalbard.  This mile long stretch of beach is part of the Forlandet National Park and is home to a group of walruses that use that area to rest. …

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By Glen Bruels

Texas Bar and…

This is part of a series called Nordic Sojourn 2022 We continued our northward sail during the night to the area of Woodfjorden and Liefdefjorden to visit a trapping cabin known as Texas Bar.  In the morning, however, we were pretty heavily socked in with fog, causing a delay in going ashore.  Texas Bar was…

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By Glen Bruels

Back to Cusco, Peru

This is part of a series called Galápagos Islands and Macchu Picchu 2022 After Machu Picchu, we took a different route back to Cusco and ended up in the little town of Chinchero, the weaving center of Peru, at 12,500 feet!We stopped for a weaving demonstration at a textile co-op, where the local ladies showed…

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